Phoebe Merrill 90
1 February 1979
Peckham, South London
The 4' 10" grandmother was kicked to death on her doorstep by a six foot teenage West Indian mugger for her handbag containing £2.50 and a bus pass. Phoebe wouldn't let go of it, so she was punched to the ground and kicked repeatedly. Pathologist Dr. Ian West determined that the cause of death was bronchial pneumonia caused by lung damage and multiple rib fractures. The Coroner, Dr. David Foster, said that Mrs. Merrill had died "a dreadful and terrible death." There is no record of the murderer, thought to be responsible for two other attacks on elderly White women living on Camden Estate, being apprehended.
Timothy Hall 26
25 March 1978
Maidenhead, Berkshire
Timothy, father of a three week old daughter, was working as a part-time taxi driver. Unfortunately he picked up two Gypsies who planned to rob him. Down a lonely lane Joseph Bagley shot Timothy in the back of the neck with a sawn-off shotgun. Bagley and a 16 year old Gypsy youth were sent down for life.
Janie Shepherd 24
4 February 1977
Wheathampstead, Hertfordshire
Negro serial rapist David Lashley bragged in prison of murdering Janie whilst serving a sentence for the attempted murder of another victim. His fellow prisoners testified against him. He was arrested immediately after he was released. DNA evidence confirmed his guilt.
Tommy Benson 56
26 July 1976
Clapham Common, South London
Benson, a fairground ride owner, was fatally stabbed by a gang of blacks at a fair. He was working his dodgems when an argument arose with the immigrant over change for a five pound note. He was soon surrounded by a menacing gang of twenty Rastafari black youths wearing "tea cosy" hats - and in the melee one of them stabbed him through the heart. One witness described the victim as "not just stabbed but cut right through."
Alice Dunkley 80
Stratford, East London
A handbag snatch by two 16 year old Black muggers ended in death for Alice. One of the youths suddenly dived for her handbag, her friend told an inquest. "Alice hung on and would not let go. She was thrown backwards against some railings as the handle snapped. Then she slid screaming to the ground." The Black youths ran off. For several days Alice tottered on as if nothing had happened, but gradually her condition grew worse until she was unable to move. Doctors diagnosed a fractured thigh. An operation to fit an artificial hip was performed, but bronchial pneumonia set in and she died the next day.
Dulcie Griffin
16 October 1971
Wimbledon, South London
Mrs Griffin's body was found battered to death in her bedroom. Police were looking for a Nigerian, aged about 34, 5ft 4in, of proportionate build who may have been driving a white Hillman Minx car, number plate TGU 852F
Muriel McKay 55
Mrs McKay was abducted from her home in Wimbledon by Muslim brothers Arthur & Nizamodeen Hosein, and they demanded a million pounds for her safe return. It was the first kidnap and ransom crime ever perpetrated in Britain. After a botched ransom demand the police finally caught them at a farm they owned in Hertfordshire. They were both sentenced to life even though Mrs McKay body was never found. One theory is that she was dismembered and fed to the pigs on the farm.
Bertha Keating 65
9 January 1964
Bradford, West Yorkshire
Elderly spinster Miss Keating was found lying on the floor of the shop she ran with her sister, with head injuries on New Year's Eve. She died 10 days later in hospital. Nearly six years later Rita Warren, who had been living with Turkish Cypriot Enver Gokmen Ali, went to the police to report that her former 'bit of rough' had committed the murder. She had been too frightened to say anything before because the Turk was so violent. Ali had since moved to London where police arrested him. Convicted at Leeds Assizes in 1970, Ali got life. It must be remembered that Miss Keating came from a generation of ladies who couldn't marry because millions of young White men had been killed during the First World War. It is terrible that she ended up being cut down by a foreign savage.
Brian Peace 24
5 May 1963
St Helens, Lancashire
Brian had gotten into an argument over the bill in a Chinese restaurant. Six Chinese employees attacked him with steel and lead pipes, pieces of timber and a pick-axe handle. He staggered outside and collapsed on the street. He was taken to hospital but died shortly afterwards. An angry mob of 300 White men congregated outside the restaurant and smashed tables, chairs and the front window. Forty police officers were deployed to keep order. Half an hour later another Chinese restaurant was attacked. The 6 Chinese, Tsang Koon Lin, Tsang Sung, Tsang Fon Yaw, Tsang Wan Sang, Tsung Fat & Le Gam Po were charged with murder and causing grievous bodily harm to another customer. At their trial at Liverpool Crown Court the liberal authorities found 5 of the Chinese guilty of manslaughter, and they received only 3 years each. The last defendant, Le Gam Po, was found not guilty and discharged. The people of St Helens were furious about the verdict.
John Gordon 43
10 October 1962
Black Down, Surrey
John worked as a kitchen hand at the Royal Ordnance Corps North Minden barracks and got into an argument with Black Nigerian Samuel Vbroglo Sodje, who was also a cookhouse employee. The 23 year old Negro pushed John into a sterilizing tank full of boiling water. He died of severe burns several days later in Roehampton Hospital. The Negro was only found guilty of manslaughter.
John Hunt 18
19 August 1961
Middlesbrough, Tee Side
John was an apprentice moulder and was walking with friends when he was stabbed in the stomach by Hassain Said, an Arab from Aden, with a flick knife. He died shortly afterwards in Middlesbrough General Hospital. After the racist murder a thousand angry White people including Teddy Boys took to the streets in protest and rioted, in what was described by police and media at the time as racial disturbances. They smashed Black businesses in protest and set some on fire. 100 people attended John's funeral. At York Assizes the judge stopped the trial of the Arab, who could speak no English and said "As a matter of law I now rule that while there is evidence against this man of being the murderer of young John, that evidence is not sufficient to support a verdict of guilty." The Arab was set free. Already by this time the liberal establishment was appeasing the aliens who were then and are still invading our Nation!
David Lacey 22
31 October 1960
Sparkhill, Birmingham
David had been with Arthur in the cafe, he had had his hands in his pockets at the time he was stabbed. The insane Cypriot had first stabbed another of their friends in the neck then turned on David. The knife went into his stomach with great force right up to the hilt. David doubled up, fell to the ground and crawled outside to the gutter and died. At Panayi's trial the police said he went completely mad. He said he had been provoked and was only sentenced for manslaughter. A Greek interpretor was allowed to sit by his side in the dock. He was alleged to have told one witness "If there is any trouble I will handle it my own way." He was shown a knife and then Panayi said "If I have any trouble with someone I will use it."
Arthur Griffin 23
31 October 1960
Sparkhill, Birmingham
There had been some minor problems between some youths and the Greek Cypriot proprietor of the Express Coffee Bar. When Arthur and his friends came into the cafe the owner Costas Panayi told them to get out. They refused and just sat down in silent protest. Panayi rushed them, pulled out a long bread knife and stabbed Arthur in the chest. He managed to run up some stairs in the back of the cafe and then ran down again being stabbed a second time in the abdomen and back. He staggered outside before collapsing. He died within 5 minutes of admission to hospital, despite a blood transfusion. His death was due to shock and a haemorrhage from the chest and wounds to the abdomen.
Michael McFarlane 22
1 January 1960
Sheffield, South Yorkshire
Michael, a steel worker, was celebrating the New Year with friends in the East House Hotel public house when a lunatic Negro Mohamed Ismail rushed into the pub with a loaded revolver and began indiscriminately shooting into the crowd. Michael died of gunshot wounds. His brother Donald was also hit and was in a coma for many weeks.
George Morris 30
1 January 1960
Sheffield, South Yorkshire
George, a furnace pitman, was also enjoying a sing-song in the East House Hotel pub when mad Somalian Negro Mohamed Ismail opened fire. He too died of gunshot wounds. Two police officers managed to rush the Negro and took the cocked gun from him. A medical officer at Manchester Prison said the Negro Ismail was suffering from paranoid schizophrenia and while in prison had shown clear evidence of being insane. He was considered unfit to plead and ordered to be detained at Her Majesty's pleasure.
Thomas Owen 27
1 January 1960
Sheffield, South Yorkshire
Thomas, a regular soldier, was the third innocent bystander to be murdered by unemployed Mohamed Ismail, from what was then called British Somaliland. Thomas had been welcoming in the New Year when he was shot dead for no reason by this Muslim. Another man in the bar was also badly wounded.