24 December 1994
Eaton, Cheshire
Tracey was abducted by two black men at her home in Birmingham and driven to the Cheshire village of Eaton. They both poured petrol over her on the steps of St Michael's Church and left her. She was still alive when found and managed to tell detectives what had happened. Her ruthless killers were never traced.
Leslie Watkinson 66
9 December 1994
Peckham, South London
Former Salvation Army major killed for his pension by three black youths, ran away shouting "I bust his head." Killers never found.

Richard Everitt 15
13 August 1994
Kings Cross London NW1
Schoolboy known as a gentle giant attacked by a gang of Bengalis (East Pakistanis). Stabbed to death. Main suspects helped to escape to Bengal by their families and community. One gang member in prison for assault, an active 'Justice for Kings Cross One' campaign operating to get him released. Warrants still in operation for the murderers. Richard's family refused admittance to Bengali protest meeting in Camden Town Hall, trying to speak on Richard's behalf.
Emmanuel Hand 35
15 May 1994
Holloway Tavern, Holloway Road. London N7
Warren Mathurin (also known as Warren Desmangles, now 43), of Jamaican parents, was sitting at the bar and insulting bar staff and asked to leave. He ran home, returning with a knife with a 9-inch blade and loudly challenged the Ulsterman landlord to come outside. Emmanuel did and Mathurin stabbed him three times in the heart. As Emmanuel was carried to the ambulance the already over-powered Mathurin taunted him "I warned you Manny, I warned you." Mathurin admitted the killing, denying it was murder.
Philip Gosling 13
February 1994
Handsworth, Birmingham
Young Philip was the only white boy in his class, and was one of only five whites out of 500 at Handsworth Wood Boys' school. He was constantly racially bullied and had been burned on the neck with a match and threatened with a knife. He was chased into the path of a van by a gang of Asians from the school and killed.
Barry Taylor 45
15 December 1993
Southsea, Hampshire
After mad Arab Amine Akanour had murdered Janet Taylor and the family dog, he watched TV and drank whisky in her home while waiting for her husband Dr Barry Taylor - who was a mathematics lecturer at Portsmouth University - to return home. In a second frenzied attack Akanour fractured Dr Taylor's skull with a hammer and left his dying body close to the broom cupboard where his wife's corpse was hidden. Neighbours alerted by the cries called the police, who arrested Akanour, who was heavily bloodstained, in a nearby street. At first Dr & Mrs Taylor had accepted their only child Jennifer's Morrocan boyfriend and paid the ultimate price for their gross irresponsibility. A majority verdict got foreign psychopathic animal Akanour two life sentences.
Janet Taylor 46
5 December 1993
Southsea, Hampshire
Mrs Taylor was violently murdered by her stupid daughter's ex-boyfriend, Morrocan Amine Akanour. Mrs Taylor, who was partially disabled, was virtually decapitated by this mad Arab in a frenzied kitchen knife attack, in 'revenge' after her daughter Jennifer ditched him. He dumped her body upside down in a broom cupboard, then killed the family dog Mitzie with the same knife and a hammer. Akanour, of no fixed address, remained expressionless throughout his trial. He later told detectives "They deserved it." This deranged alien psychopath was sent to Broadmoor secure mental hospital for life. Yet another example of a White middle-class race-mixing idiot's tragic come-uppance!

PC Patrick Dunne 44
20 October 1993
Local Clapham community officer PC Patrick Dunne was attending a minor domestic disturbance across the street at 28 Cato Road when he heard the sound of gunfire. As he went outside to investigate he was shot once in the chest. Three blacks left the scene laughing and firing shots into the air in triumph. He was pronounced dead on arrival at St. Thomas's Hospital.
Jonathan Roberts 17
15 September 1993
Plymstock, Devon
Jonathan had been working part-time in Somerfield's supermarket while studying for his 'A' levels, when he spotted violent Negro Andrew Bray shop-lifting. Young Jonathan didn't hesitate and chased the black criminal. Andrews turned on him in the car park and kicked and beat him to death for 10 minutes. Jonathan's college principal described him as "a serious, hardworking young man who contributed properly to society." Bray got just 5 years.

Billy Bryan 71
22 August 1993
Bethnal Green, East London
Mr Bryan had been staying with Mrs Castle on the night that Negroes broke into her flat. Elderly Mr Bryan was found the next morning lying on the floor, dead with his hands and feet bound. He had died of a massive heart attack. Police photofits of the two suspects were of blacks but no-one was ever arrested for the murders.

Annie Castle 74
22 August 1993
Bethnal Green, East London
Mrs Castle was a great-grandmother who had lived in the East End all her life. One night Negroes broke into her flat, tied up her friend Billy Bryan and tore the rings of her fingers. She suffered a heart attack and died on the spot. Police photofits of the two suspects were of blacks but no-one was ever arrested for the murders.

Fred Carter 64
13 July 1993
Fred carter was battered to the ground, kicked and jumped on in a lift by a black named Junior Samuel. He died a week after the attack in Lewisham Hospital. Half-caste Samuel got 7 years, was released on parole and then committed a series of armed muggings, including two on pregnant women. He is now being kept at state expense on a life sentence.
Les Reed
11 June 1993
Ely, Cardiff
Les suffered from arthritis and high blood pressure and was returning home from a night out at the local working man's club when he spotted a gang of young Negroes vandalising a traffic bollard. When he asked them to stop they turned on him. The injuries he sustained were described at Cardiff crown court as resembling those of a road crash victim. A pathologist found 55 wounds on his dead body. Black Steven James and two 17 year olds were found guilty of murder, Black Michael Mundell was found guilty of manslaughter. The youngest of the 4 killers bragged "I've got the juice," as Les lay dying.
Grant Jackson 17
30 April 1993
Sheffield, South Yorkshire
Grant was the victim of a particularly vicious unprovoked racist murder. While walking with his girlfriend in Endcliffe Park, he was set upon by a masked gang of 40 youths who had been mobilised by violent Negro Errol Donaldson. They set upon Grant like a pack of dogs, kicked and beat him to the ground. Negro Donaldson, who was 14 at the time, shouted "Stand back and watch this" and stabbed poor Grant three times with an 18-inch bayonet. He died one hour later of shock & haemorrhaging in the Royal Hallamshire Hospital. Donaldson had been trouble to society all his life and had a history of violence and aggresive bullying. Sentenced to life imprisonment, he sobbed as he was led away. Grant was a very handsome young blond man, what a terrible loss to his family and our race!
Constance Brown 72
2 April 1993
Streatham, South London
Killed by black heroin user/dealer in handbag grab. Killer's mother received £110,000 compensation from police in 1996 for "false arrest" trying to prevent her son being arrested in 1991.
Gary Willmer 25
Enfield, North London
Gary was going to attend a birthday celebration at the Palladium night club when he was ambushed and stabbed through the heart by two Turkish Cypriot brothers, Onur & Ugar Oguzca and an illegal immigrant known as Mustapha. After killing Gary they then attacked one of his friends with a metal bar. They then threatened Gary's friends with a gun and ordered them to back off while the cowards fled in two cars. When the police arrested them they found dozens of weapons in the boots of their cars.
John Purbrick 35
Grangetown, Cardiff
Mild-mannered John was driven to distraction by the constant thumping beat of loud reggae 'music,' as was all his neighbours. When he asked politely for psychotic half-caste Michael Gilfilin to lower the volume of his stereo, Gilfilin went beserk. He punched and kicked John, banged his head on a concrete path, threw him down some stairs and finally stamped on his chest. John died in hospital shortly after from massive internal bleeding after 28 separate injuries. Doctors said his injuries were like those sustained by a road accident victim. During the deranged half-caste's trial, one witness was jailed for 24 hours after refusing to give evidence against Gilfilin. His solicitor said he had been threatened with "dire consequences" if he turned up at court.
Mark Sharp 39
Luton, Bedfordshire.
A family man killed in a road rage attack by Asians. The suspected killer, Abdul Abedin, fled the country to Bangladesh which has no extradition treaty with Britain. A warrant for his arrest was issued but a Bangladeshi High Commission spokesman said "We have no extradition treaty with Britain. It can only be done on goodwill now. It depends on how serious the British government is." Five others were jailed for their part in the murder, two for life and three for four years each.
Katie Sullivan 23
30 October 1992
Kingston, Surrey
Katie was working as a care assistant at a rehabilitation centre for the mentally ill. Unfortunately Erhi Inweh, a 6ft tall powerfully built violent deranged schizophrenic Negress had just been booked in. Inweh's idiotic liberal social worker had failed to pass on her medical records to the centre - Inweh had a long history of violence and attempted several murders on fellow patients in the past - Inweh had stopped taking her medication for two days, because the liberal establishment had said you can not force mental patients to take pills if they don't want. She became extremely demented and slashed Katie 14 times with a knife. She believed Katie was an anti-Christ demon. This homicidal lunatic was sent to Broadmoor indefinitely. Katie's mother Sandra shouted in rage at the Black killer from the public gallery during the trial. Katie had planned to take a doctorate in clinical psychology at Oxford University and had spent much of her young life doing voluntary work. What a waste of a lovely intelligent girl!
Graeme Woodhatch 38
24 May 1992
Hampstead, North London
Graeme was a roofing contractor who had fallen out with his two business partners. They employed Maori hitwoman Te Rangimaria Ngarimuto to kill him. While he was in the Royal Free Hospital waiting for a minor operation, Ngarimuto shot him four times with a handgun with hollow tipped bullets. One went into his head, another smashed his nose, the 3rd lodged in his shoulder and the 4th ricocheted around his body puncturing a lung and severing an artery. She was paid £7,000 for the murder and fled back to New Zealand. She then became a Christian and admitted the crime. This was this country's first, and at present only, female contract-killing case. She was sentenced at the Old Bailey to life imprisonment.
Lillian Smith 81
12 April 1992
Stratford, East London
Elderly frail spinster Miss Smith was murdered by a Negro shoplifter while shopping in the Mall shopping centre. The Negro villian was challenged by store dectectives after stealing £4.48 worth of goods from Superdrugs. Finding elderly Miss Smith in his way the Black pushed her out of his way, she swayed, regained her balance and he then deliberately shoved her over before fleeing. Witnesses say the sound of her head hitting the marble floor was horrendous. The cowardly Negro fiend struck another woman in the face during the getaway. An ambulance rushed Miss Smith to Newham General Hospital. She died two days later from a brain haemorrhage caused by a fractured skull. Police are looking for a Black 5ft 8" in his 40's with graying Afro hair and glasses.
DC James Morrison 26
13 December 1991
West End, London
Morrison, a detective constable with the Met, was off-duty when he spotted a handbag thief. He gave chase but was stabbed to death. The black-skinned murderer was pursued and pinned down by a white member of the public in a nearby tube station, but he was attacked and pulled off by bystanders who assumed it was a racist attack. The murderer, free, then ran off. The incident was featured on 'CrimeWatch.' Police believe the murderer was an Algerian who has since fled the country.
Nicholas Hanscomb 38
26 August 1991
Maida Vale, West London
Dr Hanscomb was murdered several hours after the Notting Hill Carnival had ended. He was surrounded by six Black men & two Black women, who in an unprovoked mindless attack stabbed him with what a witness said was a Rambo-type knife. He died from a haemorrhage caused by the stab wound. Dr Hanscomb was a Genetic Physicist with a PhD in physics & biology and achieved a double first at Cambridge University. What a waste of a human life, how this man could have benefited society & science with his knowledge and to be cut down in his prime by a gang of worthless drugged-up Negroes. On hearing of his son's murder his father broke down. He described his son as 'gentle, kind and loving.' Police arrested a suspect but released him without charge.
Stanley Silk 47
3 August 1991
Walworth, South London
Stanley had been with his wife and friends having a quiet drink in The Bell pub when ski mask-clad Turkish assassins opened up with a hail of bullets. Stanley worked as a Telecom engineer and was an innocent bystander. A stray bullet hit him, piercing his liver. He died later in hospital. Four other people in the pub were also hit and suffered gun shot injuries. Police came up against a wall of silence because the witnesses were scared to talk. The police also feared more tit-for-tat murders. The Turkish gansters in this country supply much of the heroin and are known for their deadly brutality. Nobody was ever charged with these two racist murders.
David Brindle 23
3 August 1991
Walworth, South London
While David was drinking in The Bell public house at 10.45 p.m, two masked Turkish killers burst in. They shouted at David "This one's for Abby" (refering to Turkish criminal Ahmet Abdullah). They fired at least six bullets from a revolver and automatic pistol. One shot hit David in the buttocks as he tried to vault the bar to escape. Earlier in the year David's elder brother Anthony had been accused of murdering Abdullah. This foreigner has recently been freed from a life sentence for manslaughter and was the cousin of the imfamous S.E. London-based Turkish drug baron Dogan Arif. David died later that evening in King's College Hospital. David's parents said after the murder that he was not involved in gangs and had never been in trouble. S.E. London has a terrible problem of drugs controlled by the Turkish mafia.
Catherine Ayling 24
May 1991
Curtis Howard, an American Negro, stabbed Catherine Ayling 10 times, cut her throat and dumped her body before fleeing to America. He had earlier been deported for his obsessive pursuit but returned on a false passport, tracking Miss Ayling to her college in Crewe, Cheshire. He left her body in the boot of a hire car at Gatwick airport.
Betty Court 64
11 March 1991
White City, West London
Betty, a widow and grandmother of 7, was returning home after winning £10 at bingo in a nearby community centre. As she put her key in the front door she was pounched on by a Negro mugger. Betty refused to let go of her handbag and the Negro dragged her over a 18 inch wall, where she was left shocked and bleeding. She managed to stagger to her neighbour's home and lost consiousness. She was taken to Hammersmith Hospital but died soon after arrival from a heart attack brought on by the shock of the cowardly attack. Betty was described as " a mother to everybody." She had lived on the White City estate for 30 years - now a very dangerous place, populated by a huge number of Blacks. She worked part-time as a cleaner at the nearby BBC TV centre. Friends and neighbours described her as "a very well known and much loved lady, who everybody looked up to." One witness saw a West Indian, 5ft 8" with large lips and a scar on his chin running away from the murder scene clutching Betty's handbag.
Raymond Kelly 17
1 February 1991
Hartley Wintney, Hampshire
Young Raymond was working part-time at the Phoenix Green petrol station, which had been targeted by Asian Muslim career criminals Jamil Chowdhary & Mohammed Nazir. They ordered Raymond to lay on the floor while they stole £70 from the till, then they shot the youngster in the back with a 12-bore sawn-off shotgun and calmly walked off. These cowards were caught on CCTV and quickly arrested. The judge said they "stood condemned of the brutal senseless and horrifying murder of an innocent young man." But he only sent Chowdhary down for 12 years and Nazir, unemployed of no fixed address, down for 10 years. What justice is that? They both showed no remorse for their White victim.
Michael Masser 42
26 November 1990
Wakefield, West Yorkshire
Dr Masser, an eminent plastic surgeon and colleague of Dr Paton, was also stabbed to death by insane schizophrenic Muslim Laith Hashim Alani from Baghdad. Dr Masser had a 7 year old child and his wife was pregnant with their second at the time of his murder. Alani bought a sheath knife in Leeds and then travelled to Pinderfields hospital. He had put both doctors on a death list headed "War of the Believer." He thought Dr Masser was Lucifer and was commanded by Allah to kill him. In the past Alani had tried to push another person out of a window. The question is, who let this homicidal maniac into our country ?
Kenneth Paton 56
26 November 1990
Wakefield, West Yorkshire
Dr Paton, an eminent plastic surgeon and father of three grown-up children, was brutally stabbed to death by Iraqi paranoid schizophrenic Laith Hashim Alani in his consulting room at Pinderfields hospital. Mad Arab Alani said he had been instructed to kill by Allah and believed Dr Paton was Satan. At his trial the prosecutor said that the killings were premeditated and planned. Muslim crackpot Alani was detained indefinitely in maximum security at Rampton Hospital. Dr Paton had treated victims of the Bradford City football ground fire in 1985.
PC Laurence Brown 27
28 August 1990
Hackney, East London
An extremely demented and dangerous Negro career criminal named Mark Gaynor 21 years old, rang 999 and lured two policeman into a trap. When PC Brown arrived, Gaynor shot him dead at point-blank range with a sawn-off shotgun. PC Brown was married to a nurse and had a young daughter. Deranged Gaynor had 9 months earlier been released from a 4 year youth custody sentence for mugging and killing somebody else. When brought to the police station after killing PC Brown, he bragged "I blew your copper away." At his trial, one juror was intimidated.